The Reading Experience

Weekly meetings to read, listen to and celebrate the written word and each reader’s unique voice and understanding of the texts we share: novels and short stories of outstanding writers.

A text can open up myriads of questions. We can search for our own answers or enable new questions. A book can mirror our souls, can throw light into our deepest crevices and inspire creative thoughts and ideas of life and society. A text can also be used as an intellectual and artistic exercise. Every reader in our Reading Experience groups will be lovingly and non-judgmentally supported and guided so that they can pull from the texts what they need.

The sessions are held once a week for an hour and a half in small groups so that each member has the chance to always express themselves and exercise their linguistic competence.

The texts are provided by myself or bought whenever that option is available or preferred.

Facilitator: Estela Meije

For more information, please contact: