What are we discussing and sharing these days?

Online Book Club with novelist Jeanette Winterson

Bernardine Evaristo on Vogue Britain

We know that people who read fiction are more empathetic because they are well-practised in stepping into the shoes of fictional characters who are different from themselves. This is not to say that novelists write to educate people, but we do accept that this might be a byproduct of our creative endeavours. As novelists, we […]
Inglés para niños y niñas
Reading Workshop: John Cheever, Raymond Carver and J.D.Salinger

This is the second Reading Workshop of Andrea Woolf at El Taller de Inglés( on Zoom now…). Three unmissable representatives of the Broken American Dream. Three authors that will further guide us into the complexities of the human soul. Sign up process: when you commit yourself to attending the workshop, I will email the four […]
The Reading Experience: Join our Zoom Groups
Shall we spend the quarantine together?

If you have whatsapp, Skype or Hangouts we can learn english and read together. Just contact me!
Taller de lectura en inglés para estudiantes, lectorxs y curiosxs de nivel intermedio para arriba
__ Carla Chinski (1995, Buenos Aires) got her degree in Art History from the University of Buenos Aire, where she also earned a postgraduate degree in Literary Translation and in Cultural Management. As a poet, she has published “Canciones de cuna para mi madre” (Llantén, 2019) and is dedicated to the translation of contemporary American […]
Summer Brennan’s High Heel: nuevo grupo los días jueves de lectura en inglés

Evening all, just to let you know, Im opening a New Reading Experience group on Thursdays 5.30 to 7pm as from Thursday 5th March. Our first reading will be an excerpt from Summer Brennan’s High Heel. (Posted on FB). Cheers! +Read More
The Summer Reading Experience
Would you care for reading contemporary writers in English? We meet up once a week one hour and a half in small groups to share, discuss, reflect upon and hopefully find new threads into our own stories. At El Taller de Inglés in Palermo, CABA. Days: Mondays 7 to 8.30pm. Fridays: 5.30 to 7pm. New […]